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Friday, October 18, 2024

New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep

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Did you know that, on average, 60 percent of people set New Year’s resolutions and only about eight percent achieve them?

These goals are commonly related to weight, self-improvement, money and relationships. However, 80 percent of Americans dismiss their New Year’s resolutions by the second week of February.

Often, these resolutions fail because we simply set the bar too high. We seek instant gratification or feel discouraged if we don’t see results quickly enough.

Instead of creating unrealistic goals, aim to make resolutions that can add more fun and joy to your life. They won’t be as hard to keep and feeling happy about following through could lead you to make other healthy changes gradually throughout the year.

Are you trying to come up with some new resolution ideas that aren’t all about deprivation? We checked in with members of the A Healthier Michigan team to learn about some of the fun and realistic resolutions they’ve made in the past or will be making this year. Here’s what they had to say:

“I pick a word to be my guiding light for the year. In the past, I have used ‘authenticity’ as an example.” – Grace Derocha

“I got back into running last year. In 2019, I plan to run the Mackinac Eight Mile in September. I love spending time on Mackinac Island and knowing I’ll get to spend time there will keep my training for this longer race on track.” – David Murray

“My husband and I made a resolution a few years back to be more intentional about finding fun ways to be active outdoors with our young daughters. Every month, we’d pick a weekend date and plan an outdoor adventure. We weren’t perfect about it, but we definitely made a lot of great active memories that year.” – Julie Bitely

“My fun New Year’s resolution is to try a new workout method every month. There are so many options to try (kickboxing, barre, etc.) and I think it would be a fun way to switch up my workout routine.” – Brianna Neace

“One of my resolutions is to do at least one ‘random act of kindness’ per week. Another one I’ve had in the past is to try one new type of healthy food each week.” – Jillian Berndtson

Did any of these resolutions resonate with you? Share your fun resolutions in the comments.

Like this post? Here are some others you might enjoy:

  • The Challenge with New Year’s Weight-Loss Resolutions
  • 5 Ways to Easily Achieve Your New Year’s Resolutions
  • The Best Resolutions That Have Nothing to Do With Your Body
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